Stylishly Clean Living

Sharing my journey of cleaner living and better health without sacrificing style.


How to Easily Choose a Nontoxic Sunscreen

With the unofficial start to summer just behind us, it’s no doubt that we are all seeing ad upon ad and product recommendation upon recommendation for sunscreen. I can’t begin to count the number of articles and blogs I’ve read that list the “best” sunscreens to use. But what does the “best” mean and if they’re the “best” then why is each list different?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve arrived on several beach vacations to find that you’re sunscreen never made it in the suitcase, leaving you left in an unfamiliar store trying to remember those endless lists of sunscreen recommendations.

I put together 3 easy steps to buying safe and effective sunscreen wherever you are.

Choose an SPF of 15-30 SPF refers to the protection against UVB rays. An SPF below 15 will not provide you with enough. Anything higher than 30 will not provide you with significant more coverage and can actually put your health even more at risk.

Look for zinc oxide listed in the ingredients Makers of sunscreen have many options to choose from when deciding what to use to block the rays. Chemical ingredients are a hassell because you have to wait for them to be absorbed before going in the sun. This also puts your health at risk. Of the physical barrier options, zinc oxide is the only one that will fully protect you from the sun.

Avoid products with retinyl palmitate According to the Environmental Working Group, “Scientists have found that vitamin A can spur excess skin growth, known as hyperplasia and that in sunlight retinyl palmitate can form free radicals that damage DNA (NTP 2000).” (See The Problem with Vitamin A)

Additional Tips
-The EWG each year selects sunscreen recommendations based on their high standards. You can purchase these sunscreens by clicking here
-Most people do not apply enough sunscreen. Use enough to fill a shot glass for adequate coverage.
-Reapply sunscreen after getting out of the water and hourly.
-When in doubt, go with your gut. Anything is better than nothing!


Click to access sunscreen.pdf

Looking to party? Check out this link party here.

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Smoothies make a healthy on-the-go delicious breakfast and a refreshing treat any time of day. But if you’re too intimidated to create your own blends or stuck in a rut making the same recipe day after day then here are some easy combinations to help keep it simple yet the varieties are endless.

These instructions make about 2 (generous) servings, or as it works in my house, 1 serving, 1 toddler serving and 6 popsicles. You can cut the amounts in half if you’re only making one serving or increase it as need be.

Pick your fruit (2 cups)
I prefer frozen, but you can use any combination of fresh and frozen. For convenience, I often buy cut frozen fruit.

Pick your yogurt (1 cup)
For a healthier smoothie choose plain Greek yogurt. For a thinner
texture or if you prefer not to use yogurt you can skip this step.

Pick your liquid (1cup)
Green tea, coconut water, juice or almond milk (or whatever type you

Pick your veggie (1cup)
Spinach, kale or anything soft enough to blend. This is a great way to
sneak veggies into a picky eater’s diet!
Pick your super food (optional, 1 tbsp)
Chia seeds, flax seed, almonds, cinnamon,

Other tips:
-Add left overs to popsicle molds & place in freezer for a yummy treat!
-Use fruits and veggies that you have on hand. Strawberries about to go bad? Toss them in!
-If your fruit isn’t frozen, add a few ice cubes
-Be creative so you don’t get stuck in a rut. Think mango/banana, peach/mango/coconut, mango, strawberry/banana, banana/pineapple/peach,
-If you prefer to use fresh fruit, freeze juice, green tea or coconut water in ice cube trays the night before to get the frozen texture

What creative smoothies have you tried?